Endnotes are a simple way to leave a reference in your text to notes at the end of the document or section. This tool is particularly useful if you are creating a work with chapters. Learn how to format and organize endnotes in Word with the following articles.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Endnotes' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Adding Footnotes to Endnotes
Word does footnotes. Word does endnotes. Word doesn't do footnotes within endnotes. Here's a discussion as to why and what you might do about it.
Adding Information after the Endnotes
Endnotes appear at the end of the document, right? Not always, as Word provides a way that you can actually add as much information as you want after the endnotes.
Changing Endnote Numbering Style
Endnotes normally appear as superscripted characters followed by a space and the endnote text. In this tip you'll find two ways to change how the endnote numbering appears.
Changing the Way Endnotes Are Numbered
Word is flexible on how it numbers your endnotes. This tip shows how easy it is to make the changes to the numbering system.
Comments in Endnotes
Able to add comments everywhere, except in endnotes? This seems to be a limitation in Word, but here are some ways to work around the problem.
Controlling Endnote Placement
Endnotes are often used in technical and scholarly documents. You can control exactly where the endnotes appear in your document by following the steps presented in this tip.
Converting Endnotes to Regular Text
If you have a document with lots of endnotes, you may need them converted to regular text so that they can be used properly by another program. Doing the conversion by hand can quickly get tedious, but there are a few things you can do to make the process easier.
Converting Footnotes to Endnotes
When you spend a lot of time creating footnotes, how can you convert all of them to endnotes without entering them all again? It's easy to do if you follow the steps in this tip.
Converting Individual Endnotes and Footnotes
Word makes it easy to convert all your footnotes to endnotes and vice versa. You may want to only convert a couple of them, and the key to doing this is discussed in this tip.
Converting to Automatic Endnotes
When you add endnotes to a document, they are automatically maintained and renumbered by Word, as necessary. If you get a document that doesn't use Word's endnoting system, you may wonder how you can convert those manual endnotes to automatic ones. Here are some ideas you can try.
Copying and Moving Footnotes and Endnotes
If you need to move footnotes or endnotes from one location to another in a document, you can use editing techniques you already know. You can also use the same techniques to copy the notes.
Creating Endnotes
Endnotes are often used in scholarly or legal documents, and they can be added easily. This tip shows how to add them quickly.
Creating Unnumbered Endnotes
Endnotes are indispensable in some types of writing. You may want to create endnotes, however, that don't follow the normal endnoting pattern used by Word. Here's how to create endnotes that are outside the pattern and that don't use numbering at all.
Default Numbering Format for Endnotes
The default format for endnote numbers is lowercase Roman numerals. If you want the numbers to use a different format, such as uppercase Roman numerals or Arabic numerals, then you need to make a change in the template you use to create new documents.
Deleting Footnotes and Endnotes
Deleting either footnotes or endnotes is a simple process. Just select the reference mark and delete it. Assuming you are using automatically numbered notes, the remaining notes are renumbered for you, as if the deleted note had never existed.
Endnotes by Chapter
Word allows you to easily add endnotes to your document. It even allows you to specify where those endnotes should appear in the document, as discussed in this tip.
Endnotes in a Separate Document
When you add endnotes to a document they are normally positioned (as one would expect) at the end of the document. You may want, however, to move the endnotes to a separate document. Word doesn't allow you to easily do this, but there are a couple of ways you can approach the problem and come up with a solution that might work for your needs.
Formatting Endnote Reference Marks
The reference marks used for endnotes are, by default, formatted "good enough" for most people. If you are one of those for whom good enough isn't good enough, you can exercise complete control on how the reference marks appear.
Formatting Footnote and Endnote References
Depending on whom you are writing for, you may want your footnote and endnote references to appear a specific way. Word allows you to easily change basic reference formatting, but more extensive changes may require macros or manual manipulation.
Formatting Footnotes and Endnotes
Footnotes and endnotes can be formatted in the same way that you format regular text in your document. There is an easier way to do the formatting, however--use styles.
Getting Rid of Hard Returns before Endnotes
Are there unexplained (and unwanted) paragraph marks before your endnotes? Here's how to get rid of them so they don't vex you any longer.
Including Footnotes and Endnotes in Word Counts
When you have Word calculate how many words there are in a document, it normally doesn't pay attention to text in footnotes and endnotes. If you want these words counted in the total, here's how to get the proper count.
Inserting Endnotes
Endnotes appear at either the end of a section or the end of an entire document. It is just as easy to insert an endnote into a document as it is to insert footnotes.
Jumping to a Relative Endnote
Endnotes are easy enough to add and accumulate in a document. For this reason, Word makes it easy to jump from one endnote to another using the techniques described in this tip.
Jumping to an Endnote
Endnotes are often used in documents to document citations and sources. You can jump from endnote to endnote using the technique described in this tip.
Making Endnotes Part of the Footnotes
In a document that contains both footnotes and endnotes, you may want to convert your endnotes to footnotes. This tip shows how easy this is to accomplish.
Mixing Note Numbering
When inserting footnotes and endnotes in a document, most of us don't give much thought to the format used in the numbering of those notes. You can, however, modify the format used. If you want to mix different types of numbers in your notes, it is possible, but not without some changes to how you put your document together.
Multiple References to an Endnote
Adding endnotes in a document is easy in Word. If you want to create multiple references to a single endnote, you can do so using cross-references, as described in this tip.
Numbering Endnotes and Adding Chapter Headings
In a document that utilizes endnotes, you need to be concerned with the positioning and how the notes are actually numbered. In this tip these concerns are addressed.
Putting Your Index after Your Endnotes
Endnotes are supposed to be at the end of your document, right? Not necessarily. You may want something else at the end, such as an index. Here's how to make sure that your endnotes end up where you want them.
Resolving Tracked Changes in Footnotes or Endnotes
Track Changes is a great tool that can aid in developing a document. If you have footnotes or endnotes in a document that uses Track Changes, you may be wondering how you can accept (or reject) just the changes in those notes. Here's how.
Returning to Your Document after Adding an Endnote
Endnotes are a required element in some types of writing. When you add an endnote, Word moves you to the end of your document (or the end of a section) where the endnote can be entered. Getting back to where you were before inserting the endnote can be confusing.
Selectively Changing Endnotes to Footnotes
Want to turn some (but not all) of your endnotes into footnotes. Rather than do it manually, you can apply the shortcut described in this tip.
Standardizing Note Reference Placement
Want to modify where an endnote or footnote reference appears in relation to the punctuation in a sentence? Here's a way you can make changes using Word's Find and Replace tool.
Suppressing Endnotes
Endnotes are a beneficial necessity for some documents. If you want to print a copy of the document without endnotes, though, you may wonder how to get the clean copy you desire.
Understanding Footnotes and Endnotes
Footnotes and endnotes are often used in scholarly and formal writing as a way to provide additional information about a topic, without breaking up the flow of your text. Word allows you control over which type of note you use, and where that note is placed.
Viewing Footnotes and Endnotes
Footnotes and endnotes are normally visible with the rest of your document, but such visibility is dependant on which viewing mode you are using. This tip explains how to display notes in a variety of viewing modes.
Where Do You Want Your Endnotes?
Endnotes can be placed in a couple of different places in your document, not just at the very end. Here's how you can instruct Word to place them only at the end of the document section you specify.