In SoCal Again

This week I'm on the road. (Does that really surprise anyone who has been reading the newsletter for a while?) This week I'm down in Huntington Beach, California, visiting with some good friends. I'm hoping that this week will provide at least a few opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation. We shall see, though.

I hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing that you are able to take the time to stop and smell the roses, as the old saying goes.


WordTips (ribbon) for 20 July 2024

Spell checker
Spell Checking Not Catching a Misspelled Word

Word allows you to accept words as correctly spelled, even if they aren't. This tip explains how to track down those errantly accepted words and make sure they are marked as incorrect in the future.

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(Thanks to Gerrie van Antwerpen, John Carpenter, Fred van der Meulen, Mike Montgomery, Jos Graindor, Mitchell Lazarus, Jann Rudkin, Tracey Stark, and Gary Loew for contributing to this tip.)

Word is a great word processor
Footnotes for Tables

Word includes a powerful feature that allows you to add footnotes and endnotes to your document. What if you want them at the bottom of a table, however? There are a couple of approaches you can try, as described in this tip.

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Fantastic Fields!

At last count Word provides 75 dynamic field codes you can use to add everything from page numbers to hyperlinks to your documents. Discover the ins and outs of the vast majority of Word's powerful field codes.

Word is a great word processor
Print Layout Zoom Settings

The zoom setting at which you view a document can sometimes be saved with a document. This tip explains how the zoom setting is set and reset within Word.

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Macros extend Word
Automatically Running a Macro

Word allows you to create macros that can run at special times, automatically. This tip explains five special macros that fall into this category.

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WordTips YouTube Channel

Do you like to learn visually? Make sure you check out the WordTips YouTube channel. New videos are added weekly. (I typically try to add them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.)

New video: Set Table Row Height Exactly
When working with tables, you probably know that you can click and drag a row border to adjust row height. There is an easier way, though, to get exactly the row height you want, as you'll discover in this Quick Tip.


New video: Selecting an Entire Paragraph
Paragraphs are an elemental building block for documents. This Quick Tip explains three different ways you can select entire paragraphs of text.


Help Wanted

This section is for those having problems making Word behave. If Word is giving you fits, feel free to submit your own Help Wanted question.

If you have a solution for the problems below, click the link after the problem to send us your answer. (All responses become the sole property of Sharon Parq Associates, Inc., and can be used in any way deemed appropriate.) If your response is used in a future issue, you will be credited for your contribution to the answer.

Cross-Reference to a Line Number

I have line numbers turned on in my document. I would like to insert a cross-reference to a specific line number, like I can insert cross-references to page numbers. It seems strange that Word can include line numbers but doesn't provide a way to reference those line numbers in a cross-reference.
—Peter Wilkins (provide an answer for this Help Wanted question)

WordTips is a free service of Sharon Parq Associates. You can find thousands of tips at our website and a whole lot more. WordTips is part of the Tips.Net network.
Sharon Parq Associates, Inc.  •  PO Box 1187  •  Mountain View, WY  82939