Half-Way Through

Here we are, half-way through the month already. It seems just like yesterday that we were celebrating New Year's. (I say this knowing full well that some people may still be celebrating New Year's, as they celebrate a bit longer than others.) Time does seem to march on, doesn't it?

I hope that you are doing well and that you enjoy the tips in this week's newsletter.


WordTips (ribbon) for 18 January 2025

Word is a great word processor
Making Endnotes Part of the Footnotes

In a document that contains both footnotes and endnotes, you may want to convert your endnotes to footnotes. This tip shows how easy this is to accomplish.

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(Thanks to Michael Avidan (MVP), Jann Rudkin, Tomek Dluzniewski, and John Carpenter for contributing to this tip.)

Printing a Draft of a Document

Need to print a copy of a document but you don't care if it looks as "pretty" as you want the final printout to look? You need to print a draft copy, as described in this tip.

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Got a Word-related product or service you want to let others know about? Advertising in WordTips is a cost-effective way to let tens of thousands of serious Word users know about you. Cost-effective advertising is available in the newsletter and on the website.

Entering a Degree Sign

One of the more common symbols that people need to use in their writing is the degree symbol, typically used after a numeric temperature. If you need to add this symbol, you'll appreciate the shortcuts presented in this tip.

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Printing Custom Properties

Do you use custom document properties? They can be very helpful, but sometimes hard to get at. This tip shows a way you can print out the names and values of your custom properties, using a handy macro.

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WordTips YouTube Channel

Do you like to learn visually? Make sure you check out the WordTips YouTube channel. New videos are added weekly. (I typically try to add them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.)

New video: Adjusting Spacing After a Paragraph
There is no need to press Enter a second time at the end of each paragraph. Let Word take care of the spacing automatically by formatting your paragraphs, as explained in this Quick Tip.


New video: Automatic Initial Caps in a Table
Have you ever started typing words in a table, only to find that Word automatically capitalizes the first word in each cell? This is a part of AutoCorrect, but you can control this behavior.


Help Wanted

This section is for those having problems making Word behave. If Word is giving you fits, feel free to submit your own Help Wanted question.

If you have a solution for the problems below, click the link after the problem to send us your answer. (All responses become the sole property of Sharon Parq Associates, Inc., and can be used in any way deemed appropriate.) If your response is used in a future issue, you will be credited for your contribution to the answer.

Replacing Just in the Footnotes

I use Word's Find and Replace capabilities all the time in my editing. Now I'm working on a document that has extensive footnotes, and I need to make replacements within those footnotes. Is there a way to limit Find and Replace so it only makes replacements in the footnotes instead of in other parts of the document?
—Gary Vercimak (provide an answer for this Help Wanted question)

WordTips is a free service of Sharon Parq Associates. You can find thousands of tips at our website and a whole lot more. WordTips is part of the Tips.Net network.
Sharon Parq Associates, Inc.  •  PO Box 1187  •  Mountain View, WY  82939