The Bookmarks function in Word is a great tool for referencing documents. Marking a location and cross-referencing information in a document is especially useful when editing long documents. The following articles explain how to create and utilize Bookmarks in Word to best suit your editing needs.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Bookmarks' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Automatically Referencing Info Entered in a Table
Tables are a great way to organize information in a document. At some point you may want a cell in a table to contain the same information that is in a different table cell. Here's a way you can approach this problem.
Bookmark Error when Printing
Bookmarks are commonly used in Word documents as a way to cross-reference information. If the bookmark referenced by the cross-reference can't be found, Word gets confused and lets you know about its confusion. Here's why you may see an error message about bookmarks.
Changing the GoTo Default
Want to get to a bookmark location quickly? One option is to use the F5 key to jump to a bookmark. Perhaps a quicker option, though, is to use SHIFT+CTRL+F5, as described in this tip.
Deleting a Bookmark
Create a bookmark and you may, at some future point, need to delete that bookmark. It's easy to do, as described in this tip.
Determining the Number of Bookmarks Defined in a Document
If you develop a macro that needs to work with bookmarks defined in a document, it is inevitable that you will need a way to determine the number of bookmarks actually existing. Here's how to get that count.
Fields in Footnotes Won't Update Automatically
Fields can be very helpful for including dynamic information in your documents, such as cross-references. It can be frustrating, though, if those fields don't update when you think they should. This tip examines this behavior.
Finding Cross-References to Specific Bookmarks
Word allows you to create a cross-reference to several different types of content in your documents. For instance, you can create a cross-reference to bookmarked text. If you later want to delete that bookmarked text, you may not remember if you previously created a cross-reference to it. The ideas in this tip will help you find out if such cross-references exist.
Getting Bookmark Information in VBA
Bookmarks are a handy way to "mark" locations within a document. If you are creating a macro that processes the document in some manner, it may be helpful for your macro to determine if the insertion point is within a macro and, if so, grab information about that bookmark. Here are the techniques you need in order to do this.
Getting the Names of Defined Bookmarks
When creating a macro, you may need to determine the names of the bookmarks in the document. You can do this using the Bookmarks collection, as described in this tip.
Making Bookmarks Bold
Do you want an easy way to see all the bookmarks in your document? Word provides a way to make them visible, or you can use the macro in this tip to make them all bold.
Preserving Bookmarks During Replace Operations
When you do a search and replace operation in Word, it is possible that you could inadvertently wipe out a bookmark or two. To avoid this potential problem, apply the concepts in this tip.
Printing a Bookmark List
Need to know what bookmarks are defined in a document? Here's a macro that creates a list of all your bookmarks so that you can print it at any time.
Printing a Bookmark List with Contents
Bookmarks can be a great tool in Word, allowing you to easily remember the location of desired blocks of text. If you want to print out all of the text you have bookmarked within your document, you'll love the short macro presented in this tip.
Protecting Bookmarks
Bookmarks are a great boon in developing and working with documents--"until someone deletes them. When it comes to protecting your bookmarks, your options are limited.
Random OLE Bookmarks
Word has an irritating habit of placing unwanted bookmarks in a document that you've been editing for a while. These bookmarks, which use the naming pattern OLE_LINK##, don't hurt anything, but they tend to clutter up a document after time. This tip explains how those bookmarks get in your document and how you can get rid of them.
Removing All Bookmarks
Need to get rid of a lot of bookmarks all at once? Word doesn't provide a way to do it, but you can use the short macro in this tip to accomplish the task.
Reusing a Bookmark
Bookmarks in Word are just like bookmarks used in paper books, any given bookmark may be reused to mark a new location. Here's how you do it.
Seeing Where Bookmarks Are
Bookmarks can be great for referencing and finding portions of your document. If you want to easily see where the bookmarks in your document are located, here's how to do it.
Setting a VBA Variable from a Bookmark
Bookmarks are quite helpful in a document. You may want to transfer the contents of a bookmark into a macro variable in order to process the information in the bookmark. Here are two techniques for getting at the bookmark information.
Shortcut to Display Bookmarks
It can be helpful to see where the bookmarks are located in a document. This tip provides a quick way that you can both show and hide your bookmarks.
Understanding and Using Bookmarks
Bookmarks are a great feature you can use to mark the location of text or to mark a position within a document. They can be used for a wide variety of purposes, but how you create bookmarks can vary based on the version of Word you are using.